Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sox Begin 2010

I have folded up the Tom Brady jersey and put it away. ; I have set aside the Kevin Garnett jersey until i take it out for the Celtics playoff push. ; It is time now to don the jersey of your favorite Red Sox players and get ready for another exciting Major League Baseball season. ; Spring is finally here. ; I have to hand it to Major League Baseball. ; I think that this year they got it right. ; They didn't ship the World Series winners overseas to play in Japan or China or somewhere and they didn't open the season with Royals vs Tigers or some other match-up without much appeal. ; This year the season began on Easter Sunday with a match-up between the defending World Series champion New York Yankees and their arch rival the Boston Red Sox. ; This is, hands down, the best rivalry in sports. ; The series didn't go the way I wanted it to, but we did get our first win against the Yankees under our belt and the games were well played for the most part. ; Hey, when you think about it last year the Sox won the first 8 games against the Yankees only to lose 9 out of the next 10 so maybe losing 2 out of the first 3 ain't bad.

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