Friday, April 9, 2010

Opening Day Thoughts two days later

It's four hours before the second game of the 2010 season. I'm in the 9th in of the Opening Day- night- game and one out away from seeing the Sox win for the fourth time I've watched this game. It was that great of a game. Truly, it's taken me this long just to digest the game. I've been savoring it since the 8p.m. start and even now I think the 0-2 pitch to Curtis Granderson in the 9th was a strike, especially given home plate umpire Jerry West's expansion of the strike zone as the 4 hour game went on. I enjoyed a season's worth of emotions over the 9 innings, and ultimately I was reminded just how special a ball game at Fenway Park can be.

I stayed up well past 12p.m. that Sunday night, wanting to catch the ESPN 2 replay of the game since it was blacked out in favor of NESN's broadcast the first time around. Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer to watch the game on NESN any time, but for this game I wanted to view it through the national media's eyes as well. It should go without saying that it was immediately like watching two different games. Different camera angles, different inflections of tone between John Miller and Don Orsillo's calls. Different subjects of insight betweeen Joe Morgan, and Jerry Remy. I'm in too good a mood to start pointing out Morgan's shortcomings...

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