Ever since I was little, I remember going to Fenway Park and seeing Wakefield pitch. ; About five or six years ago, I remember complaining to my friends in high school about how as much as we loved the guy, it felt like he was the pitcher we always saw on the mound. ; I haven’t made it to Fenway yet this year, but when I do I personally can’t wait to see him pitch. ;
I remember being in elementary schooll watching him warm up in the bullpen. ; He was always my favorite to watch warm up because it was so cool to see his knuckleball move. ; Sure it’s neat to see it on TV, but it’s awesome standing in the bleachers by the fence and seeing the knuckleball drop the way it does. ;
Tonight Wakefield will be starting for the 383rd time in a Red Sox uniform, setting an all time Red Sox record. ; He’ll be passing none other than the Rocket himself, Roger Clemens. ; ; Although I never got to see Clemens pitch (except in a Yanks uniform), I know I’m not the only one who’s happy to see such a nice guy setting this record for the Sox. ; Years from now, when Wake returns to Fenway Park after being retired for however many years, we’ll be giving him loud standing ovations. ; He’s a great team player and a friendly person who is more than modest. ; And I couldn’t ask for anything more than to see him pitching in the All Star Game next week. ; Best of luck, Timmy, and congratulations.
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